Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ethics Dilemma Paper Essay Example for Free

Ethics Dilemma Paper Essay ETHICS DILEMMA PAPER One of the most difficult things in the criminal justice field is related to ethics in the criminal justice profession. Whether it being a corrections officer, police officer, or a judge. The main goal is to ensure you as a professional are making the right decision for the greater good and that it falls within the guidelines that are set before you in the laws that have been written. In the recent dilemma that occurred in Broward County on February 19, 2014 is an example of an ethics dilemma in the criminal justice field that happens much too often. I will explain to you the nature of the dilemma, the ethical/unethical decision that was made, the outcome of the situation, and suggest some alternative courses of actions that could have taken place instead and why. NATURE OF THE DILEMMA On February 19, 2014 a Broward County Sheriffs deputy of 20 plus years on the force conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle traveling unlawfully in the HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane. Once the deputy had the vehicle stopped he was informed by the woman in the drivers seat that she was recording him conducting the traffic stop. Once the sheriffs deputy gained knowledge of  this he proceeded to force his way into the womans vehicle trying to grab her phone, then pulling her out of the vehicle and dragging her onto the ground causing injuries in several places as another deputy stood by with his gun drawn. All the while this was going on he continued to yell at her stating she was committing a felony and telling her I know the law better than you , and placing her under arrest. The ethical dilemma this situation brings forward is: was the actions taken by this deputy really necessary and justified on an ethical basis? (Miller, 2014). ETHICAL DECISION MADE In this particular situation an unethical decision was made based on the circumstances of the incident at hand. The deputy was committing a crime (felony) himself by unlawfully forcing his way into her vehicle, and detaining her against her will for a crime she did not commit. All for a simple civil infraction (driving in an HOV lane), that could have been handled in a totally different and professional manner. This was the only law the woman was breaking at the time, and the only probable cause the deputy had to go on for the actions that he took. OUTCOME OF THE SITUATION Once the dust settled upon this unfortunate situation, the deputy assumed and thought that the woman was breaking the law by recording the audio and video of the deputy. He assumed that he had to give the woman permission to audio record him. Unfortunately to his disadvantage the Florida courts ruled upholding a expectation of privacy provision (Silverman, 2012) to their all-party law, which the courts ruled does not apply to on-duty police (or anyone in public), as long as you are not interfering with them in conducting their duty. In this particular case the deputy appeared to be uneducated in this revision to the law that the law enforcement agency clearly neglected to educate its department on. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION/ WHY According to the situation at hand some of the alternative courses of actions that the deputy could have taken and the woman that was being stopped could have been drastically different. Ethically speaking the deputy could have not taken his actions to the extreme that he did all over the simple recording violation that he thought the woman was committing. His life was not in danger nor was there any indication of any physical threat coming from the woman. The deputy totally handled that situation in a very unprofessional and unethical manner. On the other hand the woman could have easily been justified in using deadly force on the deputy if he was not a law enforcement officer. She would have been justified well within the guidelines of Floridas Justifiable Use of Force law considering he unlawfully forced his into her car and violently dragged her out. Fortunately for him he was a law enforcement officer or he could have been killed. Another course of action for the sheriffs deputy and the department could have been to properly educate themselves and their officers of the most current laws regarding these types of situations. In addition to making sure each and every deputy gets a refresher course on the necessary use of force procedures every few years. CONCLUSION In conclusion of this ethical dilemma situation, what I can draw from this is several things. One being always treat people in a way I would like to be treated unless circumstances dictate otherwise; it is the right and ethical action to take. Sometimes we just do not get that luxury of doing such an action when dealing with certain types of people and situations and yes certain actions are necessary. Always take the time to educate yourself on certain laws or information you are not sure of before acting on what you think may be correct. Just like the famous saying, Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and this is very true but it does go both ways for law enforcement and the public. References Miller, C. (2014). Photography is not a crime. Retrieved from Silverman, S. (2012). free minds and free markets. Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Legalazation Of Cannabis :: essays research papers

These are some of the reasons that prohibition is a failure. When we realize that prohibition is a failure we can move on to more and better uses of cannabis. Abraham Lincoln once said this famous quote â€Å"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause o temperance. ...for it goes beyond the bounds of reasons In that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles that our government was fo ded.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If you would recall the government trying to prohibit alcohol in the earlier part of this century. Crime soared, criminal organizations became rich. People died or were crippled by unregulated products. Millions of untold tax payers dollars were spent the so called â€Å"Drug Wars†. The results had no effect on the wars and just dissipated tax payers money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Foreign drug cartels earning as much as the Gross National Product of some countries, only to send their illegal unregulated products to America. They tried to prohibit their drugs as well, but had the same results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children killing children with auto-automatic weapons. HIV spreading like a plague. The absurd waste of tax payers dollars on a prohibition that doesn’t even work. Our prisons filling up over the edge. Why? For a prohibition of cannabis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cannabis is one of the single most versatile important agricultural products next to the soybean. Growing cannabis helps the environment as well. Lady bugs, which we all know helps everything, provide a source of extermination for the bugs that plague he cannabis crop. If you are running low on cash and are growing it you can sell it for a pretty penny. Of course you can’t until it gets legalized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medical properties of cannabis are well documented. Just think how many people would benefit if cannabis was readily available for use. Why criminalize, or restrict access to find relief from suffering. Cannabis can ease the pain and sometimes take it ay. Why criminals for use as medicine?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now you will hear some peoples thoughts of why cannabis should not be legalized. Many of the people that want it to stay illegal are mothers of people under the age of 18. In fact 66 percent of those mothers want it to stay illegal. Most say cannabis smoked for fun or because of addiction. People kill for it and people kill each other for money for it.

Monday, January 13, 2020

System Architecture

We suspect that the real reason is the lack of a comprehensive, hysteretic and unifying approach to architectural design that makes the patterns In some sense comparable. Acquirement specification into a working software and hardware system and, hence, could be seen as â€Å"programming-in-the-very-large†. Since it is an accepted doctrine that mistakes when caught in the early stages are much cheaper to correct than when discovered in the late stages, good architectural system design could be of enormous economical potential. The purpose of this paper is to take a first step in the direction of a methodology for architectural design. Or in other words, we submit that architectural design should allow a methodology and not intuition, I. E. Should be treated as a science and not as an art. In order not to become overly ambitious, and to stay within the confines of a conference paper, we will limit ourselves to information systems as the synthesis of data base and data communicat ion systems, with more emphasis on the former. 2 2. 1 Services Services and resources Since we claim that architectural design is the first step in a process that turns a requirements specification into a working software and hardware system, an essential ingredient of the design method is a uniform and rigorous requirements specification.Requirements is something imposed by an outside wow RL. For information systems the outside world are the business processes in some real-world organization such as industry, government, education, financial institutions, for which they provide the informational support. Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea. The counterpart of business processes in an information system are informational processes. Business processes proceed in a linear (as in Figure 1) or non-linear order of steps, and so do the informational processes.To meet its obligations, each step draws on a number of resources. Resources are infrastructural means that are not died to any par ticular process or business but support a broad spectrum of these and can be shared, perhaps concurrently, by a large number of processes. In an information system the resources are informational in nature. Because of their central role, resources must be managed properly to achieve the desired system goals of economy, scale, capacity and timeliness.Therefore, access to each resource is through a resource manager. In the remainder we use the term information systems in the narrower sense of a collection of informational resources and their managers. What qualifies as a resource depends on the scope of a process. For example, in decision processes the resources may be computational such as statistical packages, data warehouses or data mining algorithms. These may in turn draw on more generic resources such as database systems and data communication systems.Business Informational process 1 Process step 1 Resource manager 1 Process step 2 Process step 3 Resource manager 2 Process step 4 Resource manager 3 Process step 5 Resource manager 4 process 2 Figure 1 Business processes, informational processes and resources What is of interest from an outside perspective is the kind of support a resource may provide. Abstractly speaking, a resource may be characterized by its competence . Competence manifests itself as the range of tasks that the resource manager is capable of performing.The range of tasks is referred to as a service. In this view, a resource manager is referred to as a service provider (or server for short) and each subsystem that makes use of a resource manager as a service client (or client for short). 2. 2 Service characteristics The relationship between a client and a server is governed by a service level characteristics of the services it provides. From the viewpoint of the client the server as to meet certain obligations or responsibilities. The responsibilities can be broadly classified into two categories.The first category is service functionalit y and covers the collection of functions available to a client and given by their syntactical interfaces (signatures) and their semantic effects. The semantic effects often reflect the interrelationships between the functions due to a shared state. Functionality is what a client basically is interested in. The second category covers the qualities of service. These are non-functional properties that are nonetheless considered essential for the usefulness of a server to client. 2. Service qualities To make the discussion more targeted, we study what technical equal ties of service we come to expect from an information system. Ubiquity. In general, an information system includes a large – in the Internet even unbounded – number of service providers. Access to services should be unrestricted in time and space, that is, anytime between any places. Ubiquity of information services makes data communication an indispensable part of information systems. Durability. Information services have not only to do with deriving new information from older information but also act as a kind of business memory.Access to older information in the form of stored data must remain possible at any time into an unlimited future, unless and until the data is explicitly overwritten. Durability of information makes database management a second indispensable ingredient of information systems. Interpretability. In an information system, data is exchanged across both, space due to ubiquity and time due to durability. Data carries information, but it is not information by itself. To exchange information, the sender has to encode its information as data, and the receiver reconstructs the information by interpreting the data.Any exchange should ensure, to the extent possible, that the interpretations of sender and receiver agree, that is, that meaning is preserved in space and time. This requires some common conventions, e. G. , a formal framework for interpretation. Because informa tion systems and their environment usually are only loosely coupled, the formal framework can only reflect something like a best effort. Best-effort interpretability is often called (semantic) consistency. Robustness. The service must remain reliable, I. E. Guarantee its functionality and qualities to any client, under all circumstances, be they errors, disruptions, failures, incursions, interferences. Robustness must always be founded on a failure model. There may be different models for different causes. For example, a service function must reach a defined state in case of failure (failure resilience), service functions muss t only interact in predefined ways if they access the same resource (conflict resilience), and the effect of a function must not be lost once the function came to a Security.Services must remain trustworthy, that is, show no effects beyond the guaranteed functionality and qualities, and include only the predetermined clients, n the face of failures, errors or malicious attacks. Performance. Services must be rendered with adequate technical performance at given cost. From a client's perspective the performance manifests itself as the response time. From a whole community of clients the performance is measured as throughput. Scalability. Modern information systems are open systems in the number of both, clients and servers.Services must not deteriorate in functionality and qualities in the face of a continuous growth of service requests from clients or other servers. 3 Service hierarchies 3. 1 Divide-and-conquer Given a requirements specification in terms of service functionality and qualities on the one hand and a set of available basic, e. G. , physical resources from which to construct them on the other hand, architectural design is about solving the complex task of bridging the gap between the two.The time -proven method for doing so is divide-and conquer which recursively derives from a given task a set of more limited tasks that can be combined to realize the original task. However, this is little more than an abstract principle that still leaves open the strategy that governs the decomposition. Higher-level responsibility arrive functionality qualities composition: assemble higher-level responsibility decomposition: divide higher-level lower-level responsibilities Figure 2 Divide-and-conquer for services We look for a strategy that is well-suited to our service philosophy.Among the various strategies covered in [Est.] the one to fit the service philosophy best is the assignment of responsibilities. In decomposing a larger task new smaller tasks are defined, that circumscribe narrower responsibilities within the original responsibility (Figure 2). If we follow Section 2. 2, a responsibility no matter what its range is always fined in terms of a service functionality and a set of service qualities. Hence, the decomposition results in a hierarchy of responsibilities, I. E. Services, starting from the semantically richest though least detailed service at the root and progressing downwards to ever narrower but more detailed services. The inner nodes of the hierarchy can be interpreted as resource managers that act as both, service providers and service clients. 3. 2 Design hypothesis All we know at this point is that decomposition follows a strategy of dividing responsibilities for services. Services encompass functionality and a large number of laity-of-service (So) parameters. This opens up a large design space at each step.A design method deserves its name only if we impose a certain discipline that restricts the design space at each step. The challenge now is to find a discipline that both, explains common existing architectural patterns, and systematically constructs new patterns if novel requirements arise. We claim that the service perspective has remained largely unexplored so that any discipline based on it is as yet little more than a design hypothesis. Our method divides each step from one level to the next into three parts. Functional decomposition. This is the traditional approach.We consider service functionality a a primary s criterion for decomposition. Since the original service requirements reflect the needs of the business world, the natural inclination is to use a pure top-down or stepwise must decide whether, and if so how, the functionality should be further broken up into a set of less powerful obligations and corresponding service functionalities to which some tasks can be delegated, and how these are to be combined to obtain the original functionality. However, the closer we come to the basic resources the more hose will restrict our freedom of design.Consequently, at some point we may have to reverse the direction and use stepwise composition to construct a more powerful functionality from simpler functionalities. Propagation of service qualities. Consider two successive levels in the hierarchy and an assignment of So- parameters to the higher- level service, we now determine which service qualities should be taken care of by the services on the upper and lower levels. Three options exist for each quality. Under exclusive control the higher-level service takes sole responsibility, I. E. , does not propagate the quality any further.Under partial control it shares the responsibility with some lower-level service, I. E. , passes some So aspects along. Under complete delegation the higher-level service ignores the quality altogether and entirely passes it further down to a lower-level service. For partial control or complete delegation our hope is that the various qualities passed down are orthogonal and hence can be assigned to separate and largely independent resource managers. Priority of service qualities. Among the service qualities under exclusive or partial control, choose one as the primary quality and refine the decomposition.Our hope is that the remaining qualities exert no or only minor influences on this level, I. E. , are orthogonal to the primary quality and thus can be taken care of separately. Clearly, there are interdependencies between the three parts so that we should expect to iterate through them. 4 4. 1 Testing the design hypothesis Classical 5-layer architecture Even though it is difficult to discern from the complex architecture of today's relational DB'S, most of them started out with an architecture that took as its reference the well-published 5-layer architecture of System R [Sass, Chic].Up to hose days the architecture is still the backbone of academic courses in database system implementation (see, e. G. , [HERR]). As a first test we examine whether our design hypothesis could retroactively explain this (centralized) architecture. 4. 1. 1 Priority on performance We assume that the DB'S offers all the service qualities of Section 2. 3 safe ubiquity, the relational data model in its SQL appearance. As noted in Section 2. 3, durability is the raisin d' ©tree for DB'S. Durabil ity is first of all a quality that must be guaranteed on the level of physical resources, by non- volatile storage.Let's assume that durability is delegated all the way down to this level. Even after decades durability is still served almost exclusively by magnetic disk storage. If we use processor speed as the yardstick, the overwhelming bottleneck, by six orders of magnitude, is access latency, which is composed of the movement of the mechanical access mechanism for reaching a cylinder and the rotational delay until the desired data block appears under the read/write head. Consequently, performance dwarfs all other service qualities in importance on the lowest level.Considering the size of the bottleneck and the fact that performance is also an issue or the clients, it seems to make sense to work from the hypothesis that performance is the highest-priority quality across the entire hierarchy to be constructed. 4. 1 . 2 Playing off functionality versus performance Since we ignore f or the time being all service qualities except performance, our design hypothesis becomes somewhat simplified: There is a single top-priority quality, and because it pervades the entire hierarchy it is implemented by partial control.The challenge, then, is to find for each level a suitable benchmark against which to evaluate performance. Such a benchmark is given by an access profile, that is a sequence of operations that reflects, e. G. , average behavior or high-priority requests. We refer to such a benchmark as data staging. More expressive data model data staging data model Id wider usage context access profile resource manager I less expressive narrower Figure 3 Balancing functionality and performance on a level Consequently, our main objective on each level is determining a balance of functionality and data staging.As Figure 3 illustrates, the balancing takes account of a tandem of knowledge. On the way down we move from more to less expressive data models and at the same time from a wider context, I. E. More global knowledge of prospective data usage, to a narrower context with more localized knowledge of data usage. The higher we are in the hierarchy, the earlier can we predict the need for a data element. Design for performance, then, means to put the predictions to good use. Based on these abstractions we are indeed able to explain the classical architecture. We start with the root whose functionality is given by the relational model and SQL. The logical database structure in the form of relations is imposed by the clients. We also assume an access profile in terms of a history of operations on the logical database. We compress the access profile into an access density that expresses the probability of Joint use of data elements within a given time interval. The topmost resource manager can now use the access density to rearrange the data elements into sets of Jointly accessible elements.It then takes account of performance by translating queries aga inst the relational database to those against the rearranged, internal database. The data model on this internal level could very well still be relational. But since we have to move to a less expressive data model, we leave only he structure relational but employ duple operators rather than set operators. Consequently, the topmost resource manager also implements the relational operators by programs on sets of tepees.What is missing from the access density is the dynamics – which operations are applied to which data elements and in which order. Therefore, for the next lower level we compress the access profile into an access pattern that reflects the frequency and temporal distribution of the operations on data elements. There is a large number of so-called physical data structures tailored to different patterns – or combined associative and sequential access. The resource manager on this level accounts for performance by assigning suitable physical structures to the s ets of the internal data model.The data model on the next lower level provides a library of physical data structures together with the operators for accessing them. It is not all clear how to continue from here on downwards because we have extracted all we could from the access profile. Hence we elect to change direction and start from the bottom. Given the storage devices we use physical file management as provided by operating systems. We choose a block-oriented file organization because it makes the least assumptions about subsequent use of the data and offers a homogeneous view on all devices.We use parameter settings to influence performance. The parameters concern, among others, file size and dynamic growth, block size, block placement, block addressing (virtual or physical). To lay the foundation for data staging we would like to control physical proximity: adjacent block numbering should be equivalent to minimal latency on sequential, or (in case of RAID) parallel access. Th e data model is defined by classical file management functions. The next upper level recognizes the fact that on the higher levels data staging is in terms of sets of records.It introduces its own version of sets, namely segments. These are defined on pages with a size equal to block size. Performance is controlled by the strategy that places pages in blocks. Particularly critical to performance is the assumption that record size is much lower than page size so that a page contains a fairly large number of records. Hence, under the best of circumstances a page transfer into main memory results in the transfer of a large number of Jointly used cords. Buffer management gives shared records a much better chance to survive in main memory.The data model on this level is terms of sets of pages and operators on these. This leaves Just the gap to be closed between sets of records as they manifest themselves in the physical data structures, and sets of pages. Given a page, all records on the page can be accessed with main memory speed. Since each data structure reflects a particular pattern of record operations, we translate the pattern into a strategy for placing Jointly used records on the same page (record clustering). The physical data resource manager places or retrieves records on or from pages, respectively.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Free Essay Example, 2000 words

To strengthen the use of Jerusalem as the direction to face during prayers, the leader built the dome of the rock believing that this will assist him in convincing most of his followers to change. The establishment of the dome within Jerusalem, a city revered by Muslims created controversies and wars but the Muslims were able to retain their symbolic image in the city after enduring the impacts of the wars. Accessibility into the dome of the rock has been restricted for a long time though it has been considered as a tourist site in the country. Before 1967, non-Muslims were not granted access into the mosque though this was changed and limited access has been allowed to other people under strict supervision of security officers. Palestinian residents have been restricted from accessing the site due to security concerns that have existed within the west bank area. However, Palestinian-Israelis are allowed to access the dome without limitation though security checks are beefed up to avoid the possibility of an attack. Access of the dome of the rock or the mosque’s prayer area is prohibited for non-Muslims during prayer days and on Muslim holy days. We will write a custom essay sample on The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Though tourists have flocked the area to witness the magnificent structure, the Jewish orthodox rabbis consider entry into the building a violation of the Jewish law (Grupico 13). Significance of the dome of the rock According to the Muslim culture and religious belief, the city of mecca and medina are considered as the first two holy places in the world. However, the dome of the rock has a great significance in the religion as this makes Jerusalem the third most holy city to the Muslims. Built on the temple mount alongside the Al-Aqsa mosque, the dome of the rock is one of the holy places of warships for the Muslims living in Israel and the neighboring Palestine. Based on their belief, this is the spot from where their supreme leader prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven in the company of angel Gabriel. Other great prophets of Muslim religion also paid homage to the stone and began their journey of service to Allah from the rock for example prophet Hazrat Muhammad. Immediately after capturing Jerusalem in AD 691, the Muslims built a temple at this site to signify a number of things including the religious position of their belief. Others believe that it was built to offer a homage site away from the city of mecca during the internal wars between the religious leaders. The dome of the rock also sets a higher standard of the Islamic architecture that had dominated during the period when it was built in the region (Pringle 1191).